Outstanding money lesson ks2

Outstanding money lesson ks2

Posted: BritneyloverII Date: 24.06.2017

Do not delete cell.

Swallow Dell Primary School. Count reliably up to 10 objects, recall pairs of numbers with a total of To solve a problem by making and organising a list and a simple block graph.

To solve the problem: To explain how patterns change when the number of columns in the square grid changes. Multiplication grid in Word To understand the relationship between multiplication and division.

Name and begin to classify quadrilaterals, using criteria, such as parallel sides, equal angles, equal sides, lines of symmetry.

Money Lesson Starters and Online Activities

To develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively. To choose a way of working out and give a reason why that method was chosen. Use of Powerpoint and spreadsheet software for main introduction to lesson, oral and mental starter and pupil activities; projector linked to laptop.

Money | Teaching Ideas

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The Hertfordshire Grid for Learning is provided by Herts for Learning Ltd, in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council.

To give feedback or report problems on this page please use this form. Privacy and Cookie Policy:: Swallow Dell Primary School Count reliably up to 10 objects, recall pairs of numbers with a total of Identify pairs of numbers with a total of Watchlytes School To solve a problem by making and organising a list and a simple block graph.

Watchlytes School To collect and record data quickly.

outstanding money lesson ks2

Round Diamond School To count on in 5s from any 1 or 2 digit number To investigate patterns in a square grid To explain how patterns change when the number of columns in the square grid changes ICT Coverage: Swallow Dell Primary School To add near multiple of 10 to a 2 or 3 digit number ICT Coverage: Swallow Dell Primary School To know by heart and use all x10 tables.

Round Diamond School To know ratio and proportion ICT Coverage: Round Diamond School To revise multiplication facts To recognise multiples of up to 10 x 10 To list common multiples ICT Coverage: Dod mil dfas money milpay est_earn htm Mary's CE Primary Who trades binary options - Baldock To find simple percentages of whole number quantities To find simple percentages of whole number quantities To develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively ICT Coverage: Round Diamond School To find a fraction of a quantity.

Round Diamond School To estimate the size of an angle. Outstanding money lesson ks2 measure the size of an angle accurately. Use of PC protractor: Either DfES CD-Rom or Ambleside website Projector top.

Privacy and Cookie Policy The Hertfordshire Grid for Learning is provided by Herts for Learning Ltd, in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council To give feedback or report problems on this page please use this form. To collect and record data quickly.

To count on in 5s from any 1 or 2 digit number To investigate patterns in a square grid To explain how patterns change when the number of columns in the square grid changes.

To add near multiple of 10 to a 2 or 3 digit number.

BBC - Schools - Teachers - Maths - KS2 lesson plans

To know by heart and use all x10 tables. To know ratio and proportion. To revise multiplication facts To recognise multiples of up to 10 x 10 To list common multiples. DfES - Interactive Teaching Programme - Number Grid. St Mary's CE Primary School - Baldock. To find simple percentages of whole number quantities To find simple percentages of whole number quantities To develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively.

To find a fraction of a quantity. To estimate the size of an angle. Either DfES CD-Rom or Ambleside website Projector.

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