Should i buy hemp stock

Should i buy hemp stock

Posted: IgorNemtsov Date: 08.07.2017

Subscribe to Dr Sircus newletter and receive for free an ebook and introductory articles that will guide you through his protocol and the medicinals that compose it. CBD Cannabidiol legal and available in 23 states and Washington, D.

One of the wars against the war on drugs has been won and that means Americans everywhere now have access to medical marijuana in this government-approved form. The government had to approve it because it has virtually no THC, that particular cannibinoid that gets people high.

In some countries the use of medical marijuana is also legal. It is the best news for millions who are sick and on many pharmaceutical drugs that Cannabidiol CBD will replace safely and naturally. Bottom line, CBD is going to make a whole lot of people feel better about 10 minutes after they drop some Cannabidiol under their tongues or use it in so may other forms. Now we all have access to pharmaceutical-grade natural medicine from companies that is entirely outside the medical industrial complex.

Just do not order this product, cannabidiol, to get high — it will not take you there. But if you need a potent medicine in your fight against chronic disease, cannabinoid medicine will deliver the goods. In the fight against cancer, neurological diseases, pain and diabetes, one would actually be crazy to do it without CBD. CBD turns the debate about illicit-drugs-as-medicine on its head— medical marijuana that does not get the user high.

Callton also Michigan Republican Representative. I have a patient in Austrailia who has heavy neurological damage and discomfort and is on the Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol.

He just started on Cannabidiol and he is doing very well. The chemistry of cannabis is quite complex. There are over chemicals in marijuana but only about 80 are unique to the cannabis plant and these are classified as cannabinoids. Among the most psychoactive of the cannabinoids is deltatetrahydrocannabinol THCthe active ingredient that gets users high and can be finded in the prescription medications dronabinol Marinol and naboline Cesamet.

Other major compounds of cannabinoids include cannabidiol CBD and cannabinol CBNboth of which are non-psychoactive but possess distinct pharmacological effects. Cannabis was a common ingredient in medications untilwhen the plant was outlawed by the Marijuana Tax Act despite the objections of the American Medical Association.

It was a day when the federal government began its cruelty against its own people. Cannabinoids, when consumed by humans, bind to CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body causing important pharmacological effects. Researchers at the University of Milan in Naples, Italy reported in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics that non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana inhibited the growth of glioma cells in a dose-dependent manner, and selectively targeted and killed malignant cells through apoptosis.

The first experiment documenting cannabinoid anti-tumor effects took place in at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U. Cannabis has been found to be effective in relieving the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.

CBD significantly lowers plasma levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines proteinsINF-gamma and TNF-alpha, and significantly reduced the severity of insulitis compared to non-treated controls. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-epileptic, sedative and neuro-protective actions. It is also a potent anti-oxidant, protecting against chemical damage due to oxidation. Medicine just does not get any better. Medical marijuana can also be used to make topical creams to relieve neuropathic pain and tingling in hands and feet.

Doctors told the couple that their daughter was near the most severe end of the autistic spectrum and offered little hope that the girl could even partially overcome the condition. Within an hour, she was in a deep sleep for the first time since we noticed the autism, or maybe the first time in her life.

Medical marijuana helped their daughter calm down, have a better appetite, and relate emotionally in a warm and caring way not typical of severely autistic children.

She now looks us in the eyes. She plays with our cat. She started getting along with other kids. The autism would not let her do that before, but with the medical marijuana, she can do that. Mieko Hester-Perez went public on television about giving her autistic son Joey medical marijuana. She says it saved his life! Ester Fride strongly recommends the use of cannabinoids in pediatric medicine.

This essay just touches upon the reasons why you should have CBD in your medicine cabinet. Alone or in combination with other substances, it has a powerful effect that should not be ignored in our struggle against acute and chronic diseases. For more information and many other reasons, please read my book:. Antitumor effects of cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic cannabinoid, on human glioma cell lines.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Fast Forward Learn all about Medical Marijuana and Dr Sircus full protocol including dosages, methods, side effects and contra-indications. This bundle includes the second edition of both Medical Marijuana and Treatment Essentials eBooks. Director International Medical Veritas Association Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine.

Today more than ever before, we need new ways to diagnose and treat our families and ourselves in a safe, effective and affordable way.

Is there a website? It was like a dreams, we were so shocked and happy as well. I recently had to fill out a form and spent an enormous amount of time trying to find an appropriate BTW, if anyone needs to fill out a TSP, I found a blank fillable form here http: Hello Every One I found a small company that sells a high quality hemp cannabis essential oil. This essential oil does not contain CBD or THC, but it has a great scent. I immediately felt relaxed after putting it in a diffuses. Here is the Website… http: I been using this for 3 mo.

We have the Bio Freezethe capstasinthe Icy Hot tried everything you name it. I am 65 and did stunt workI am the crash test dummy. I have nothing to gain Here. My wife is suffering from Brain Tumor Cancerous Astrocytoma Grade But I am not an expert ,Please advise. I am living in San Antonio TX USA. Thanks for the message and accept our sympathy for the ill health of your wife.

Yeah it help and we have come across cases like this and i am an expert in hemp and we found legit supplier from Moscow, Russia. You are a scammer. Currently, CBD is a Schedule I controlled substance as defined under the CSA. You could go to prison. Best idea is to find out your rights to consuming it and search online for medical cannabis. So, i was just diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. Thanks for the message and accept our sympathy for the ill health.

Yeah it help and we have come across cases like this. Please help, if you can and God bless you. Hi thereThanks for the message and accept my heart felt sympathy. It is indeed a pathetic situation, but we are very familiar with cases like this and in the past, we have helped others with situations such as that of your husband and even worse.

Do you by any chance have any experience with hemp oil? Hi Mrs LucyThanks for the message and accept my heart felt sympathy. Will CBD help with chronic kidney disease? With or without THC? Thank you for any information! It is indeed a pathetic situation, but we are very familiar with cases like this and in the past, we have helped others with situations such as that of witness and even worse.

If you are selling it, How much please?? They would like to use it to fight breast cancer? You can order CBD oil without THC for your friend. Check with Dixie Botanicals who ship to entire US. CBD without THC is legal in all states. I am on disability with little money. Where can l buy CBD oil the cheapest to see if it helps my symptoms toms? Dixie Botanicals has a compassionate care club where lower prices are offered for qualifying customers.

This site was… how do you say it? Finally I have found something that helped me. The Federal Government is a bunch of over-educated idiots, about like most of the medical profession. This company is misrepresenting the amount of CBD in their products which amounts to about 0. Beware of products such as oil containing THC. It triggered palpitations, angina, and I read up from published scientific papers discussing THC triggering angina, heart attacks and strokes.

It made me very ill, worsened all my health issues and added more, worsened the autonomic failure, cardiac issues etc.

I found out through genomic testing that I am unable to metabolize THC. I have a friend who developed full blown psychosis taking an oil with THC. I am now searching for fresh leaves grown from harlequin or catatonia seeds which are high in CBD and very low in THC to juice.

Raw leaves contains THC A non psychoactive as opposed to THC in the oil. And THC is needed to put cancer into remission. I fear you are selling false hope and that is dangerous and irresponsible. I am from India and I was searching for Cannabis oil in internet since it is not available at local shops here. Here I found a link in Amazon. Have any of you tried this brand before and any reviews so far. As I read from your website one should take only 1gm of cannabis oil a day.

But, as per the dosage given in the website, one should take it for 3 times a day 3 gms. Hemp Seed oil and Hemp or Cannabidiol oil are NOT the same and do not have the same contents of cannabidiols in them. Hemp seed oil is good for nutrition but not for cancer effects as much as a regular Hemp oil or cannabis oil will have.

Is this good for breast cancer? I was told you need some THC in it to also aid in the killing of the bad cells. Please advise and thank you! Many believe it is best with THC, though studies show CBD alone is beneficial in breast disease.

Unfortunately oil with THC is illegal in many states. So it depends on what you can get as to what to use. The Budwig Diet — 1 cup organic cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon organic flax oil per 50 lbs of body mass, i. Mash together really well and eat immediately — do not store. On the 7th day, there was no evidence of the tumors ever being there — every hair on her head was in place — no bald spots, sores, nothing but fur!!! The Budwig Diet is like giving your body an oxygen bomb — cancer cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment.

I hope you are overcoming your challenge. My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer, it was thanks to the rick simpson cannabis oil.

But is this necessary? If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, any at all will be good. More important than extreme potency, is balance between THC and CBD. If you can get high potency, great. If not, common potencies will work perfectly. Dear Sandy, We are not retailers for CBD……you would need to purchase from either Dixie Botanicals of RSHO or some other site….

Has anyone experienced difficult breathing from using CBD? My sister has tried it for spasms only a couple of days and is having trouble breathing. CBD is all the rage these days and every internet quick buck artist is jumping on board to take advantage of the unfortunate…. CBD is great and all, but why would you take THC out?

THC, along with the REST of the cannabinoids, play a huge role in latching onto cancer cells and those mate with the cell receptors to create ceramide. Ceramide knows about the cancer cells being abnormal, distorted, mutated and programs mutating cells to die. Cannabinoids at high potency acts just like our immune systems very own anandamide. Anandamide is produced by the immune system when it picks up the cancer cells producing more receptors, then anadamide mates with the cells, produces ceramide, and kills those cells.

Do you see a similarity yet? Anadamide and cannabinoids are treated as the exact same thing, just cannabinoids are an immune system supplement. The part of the immune system responsible for creating anandamide this is nick-named the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is what normally produces anadamide to destroy the cancer cells we generally produce ourselves.

When our bodies cannot keep up with killing off these cancerous cells it will easily fall behind. What do we do to stop cancer from happening?

We supplement our weakened immune system with something it can use directly, hemp oil. Just to make it simple ; Our immune system picks up on the extra receptors cancer cells produce ; Our immune system creates anandamide; the anadamide mates with these receptors to create ceramide; ceramide kills the cancer cells by killing the mitochondria which cancer cells feed off of to live. Without all the cannabinoids, all this great happenings cannot happen. Make your own Hemp Oil. Make it with Indica.

Listen to Rick Simpson. Being cancer free is suppose to be our right, not a misguided attempt to making you believe CBD oil is the real deal. All cannabinoids are needed at high potency at a naturally balanced level. This may be very true that we need both CBD and THC and the other cannabinoids for effective treatment but unfortunately selling oils with THC in them is illegal unless you live in a state that has legalized the use of THC.

However CBD itself has shown many benefits for treatments of various illnesses including cancers. It is our policy not to endorse substances that are considered illegal, thus we do not promote THC containing oils, for now.

You might be interested in Dr. Sircus book on Medical Marijuana which presents the use of THC along with the other cannabinoids. It is really sad that promoters of these types of internet products prey on the sick and desperate…. You can purchase CBD oil internationally from Dixie Botanicals. We do not know the status of whether it will be allowed in your country but perhaps the people at Dixie Botanicals will know this and can advise you.

Is this the one used for seizure control in kids. If you really used this oil, i really want talk with you. Southern California tinctures in 10 and 30 milliliter tamper resistant glass bottles with a pump on top.

Here is the CoA for the tincture. There are roughly Each pump from the bottle once primed equals. We have been getting this out to stage 4 cancer patients with good results, so far. It works for almost any disorder, as it is amazing medicine. I would much rather have a balance of cannabinoids. Alcohol gets you high, tobacco gets you high. Aromatic terpenes seem to play a role as well. Well, I see that my post was removed, but I will try again.

These folks are lying to you or, to give them the benefit of the doubt, misinformed. Thanks for your concern. CBD oil falls into a grey area of the law and is not being pursued as a problem at this time as long as the THC levels are below.

Whether the law is right, or not, is not the point. They will be disappointed, but you will have made your money. It is Cannabidiol… Hemp Oil … 4 on Dr. There is a video and information on the protocol page. My moms been only taking CBD oil for the effects of chemo-therapy and it was been doing wonders so far. I order from real scientific hemp oil and have had no problems. They are expensive but they have the highest quality CBD.

It should look like honey, if made professionally. Black oil is probably made using liquid solvents that extract too much other unwanted crap from the hemp. Also, RSHO is very expensive. Anyone who things milligrams of CBD is an adequate dose is almost certainly going to be really disappointed with the results. Hemp oil is not as effective as medical cannabis CBD oil, huge difference. People should research before buying.

Where the hemp is grown is irrelevant. Domestic industrial hemp is illegal. And the products that are made domestically are mostly horrible, in my opinion. Not to say anything against Rick Simpson, but professional preparations should not look like tar. But, pro CBD oil should be golden. Finally, after two weeks, I contacted them by email and received a form letter in return. By now, I was ready to wash my hands of this company and sent another email the next day and called the number — same thing — form letter in return but no return phone call.

I called the number AGAIN and finally reached the rep. And she was rude! I cancelled my order. Could be a great product, but very unorganized company. Learn what you are doing: Do think that would be effective? At the anecdotally indicated dose of, say, 35mg CBD twice a day…their inexpensive bottle will last a day and a half.

Would it help my dog who has epilipsy. And my daughter who has adhd and DAMP which is on the autistic spectrum. Also is it leagle in the uk. But, will it make someone a higher functioning individual? No evidence of that, as far as I know. But…the interesting thing is that it could help your dog! Anyway, give it try. Your dog may thank you! Its been found that CBD can help to diminish the effects of strokes if used within a certain time frame after the stroke. More information is coming forward now about how it can benefit stroke patients.

It definitely can help with anxiety, depression and some of the emotional after effects of stroke and this in combination with magnesium oil use can help with the muscle problems that occur after stroke. It can help with alertness and with better sleep. Its definitely worth a try. He has Dravet syndrome and we can not find the right meds to control his seizures. His seizures are from 20 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes long.

Any idea if this could benefit him?!? It should test between 50 to 60 percent CBD with 20 to 30 percent THC. It will be at an affordable price and it will help with all ailments. Does this cbd oil hemp helps with anxiety disorders? Please send me an email to reply, thanks much! I have crohns, colon and 2 feet of intestine removed, crohns is now active in remaining intestine.

Has any one with crohns benefited from cbd oil? She suffers from chronic pain, and is unable to sleep. Before the pain took over her life, she was an active, top set student. Would this product give her back her life, without adversely affecting brain function? For that kind of advice, you need to schedule a consultation with Dr.

He is available to take patients via his online clinic. Please let me know if I can be of further help. Best Regards, Maurice Guggisberg IMVA Support Team. I live in Florida. How do I go about buying something for relief for my knee, neck and back pain?

The CBD products linked in this essay are available to Florida residents. Higher dose hemp oil can also be obtained legally. If you are looking for other forms of THC products you will have to search those out on your own. Medical marijuana is not yet legal in Florida except for CBD hemp products from Dixie Botanicals. These items are all listed and linked at this page: Best regards, Maurice Guggisberg IMVA Publications Support.

My husband was just diagnosed with stage4 melanoma skin cancer. He has not had any medical treatment. Will medical marijuana bcd help him? Sircus has an entire protocol of a number of things that may help you. You can read about his protocol and about dosages in the ebook Treatment Essentials:.

Or you can choose a consultation with Dr. Sircus for an in depth recommendation for you. I have a dog suffering from seizures. Would the CBD oil be ok for him to try. Other precribed meds are not working either alone or in combination. Only way to find out is to try it. It was last resort. We live in Florida. She is also diabetic, has high blood pressure and underactive thyroid.

I would love to try medical marijuana to see if it will calm the aggression she displays. She was never like this before getting sick. She was a kind and gentle soul. Is it legal for me to purchase online or by mail order and have it shipped to Florida? The CBD we recomend you can find in this link http: The hemp oil-derived wellness products are legal to consume both here in the U.

The FDA considers hemp oil as a dietary supplement product and our parent company MJNA imports its naturally-derived raw hemp oil under approved tariff codes to its FDA- registered and GMP-certified facility in the U. I am curious if there is any relationship whatsoever between Dr. Since there are now numerous places online which sell CBD, I am curious if these companies mentioned above are the only companies you recommend based upon personal experience, or is there some association and agreement which has been made between Dr.

Sircus and these companies? Has any representative from the above companies contacted anyone at IMVA with regard to advertising? This is a very simple and straightforward question. It just does not look good to have to delete comments from people who are simply asking for truthfulness. I am a HUGE HUGE fan of CBD.

Cannabidiol is going to change absolutely everything. But I honestly gotta say, practically every single article I read about CBD has multiple comments which appear to be spam, fake, bs, not real… If you read many of these comments, many are just a wee bit too enthusiastic… and the comment which raves about the stock of subsidiary companies… seriously? If their product works, then why have I read at least 15 fake comments from people who all love the products and who all leave a link to Dixie or some other subsidiary of MNJA….

Good Day, I am a Mild epilepsy patient from the country of Philippines, I just want to ask if how can I order this medical marijuana oil? Cause this is might be the medicine that me and my family waiting for that can cure me from being an epileptic.

You can buy many types of Medical Marijuana in the link below:. Stephanie you can order the oil recommended by Dr. Sircus through Dixie Botanicals at: There is a higher dose CBD oil available from RSHO which you may prefer or need and which Dr.

Sircus can provide discounts on if you become his client. Hi Claudia can you please suggest which oil to buy for a 2. If this were my child I would start with the Dew Drops and put a drop or two under the tongue a couple of times per day and watch reactions and go up from there.

Please consider a consultation with Dr. Sircus if you need more direction. Thanks for giving this feedback to us. They may have some other suggestions for you.

should i buy hemp stock

I know when I tried it, it took quite a bit to help my back pain. Though I never tried the capsules which are supposed to be more potent.

Can anyone tell me if this cream would help with severe nerve pain due to above knee amputations war vet. A great deal has been written about CBD helping with severe nerve pain from many causes.

Your best bet is to write to Dixie Botanicals and ask them to share their experience with you so you can decide if you want to try it or not. Contact information is on their website and they also sponsor a compassionate care club that you may be interested in joining as it provided discounts on the.: They sell cannabis protein OTC in the stores.

I have an elderly relative with memory problems. Check on the website of Dixie Botanicals where they state how much CBD is in the one oz. My 21 year old was diagnosed with Hezquisophrenia two months ago and at this time he is taking 3 pills One of them is Holidol, the second one is to contrarest the side effects of the Holidol and Prozac.

My question is If CBD can replace Holidol and If the change has to be gradually or If it can be take him off Holidol and start taking CBD right away. But other things can also help, such as magnesium and vitamin B6.

It would seem safer for your son to start a new treatment gradually before completely stopping the medication he is currently using and to wean off of that under supervision. Sircus is always available for consultation if you want to discuss this with him directly: Can someone tell me If My son can replace Halodol with CBD? Or just replace Halodol with CBD. Never ever quit any Anti Epileptic Drug such as Halodol without the expressed consent of your doctor or neurologist! Stopping your seizure meds cold turkey can lead to a tonic clonic seizure, happened to me.

I wonder whether Claudia French has ever even tried a product from Dixie, she has no problem sending hundreds of people their way, maybe she should make sure the product works…. I agree with your comment about not stopping anti-seizure medications without careful consideration and not before talking this over with the prescribing MD. And this is even if starting to use CBD.

I indeed have tried the products from Dixie Botanicals fyi. All except for the capsules. And I have tried CBD gum which is my preference for pain relief. I do not have epilepsy however. We at the IMVA do not advocate for products we have not ever first tried ourselves, nor do we allow others to advertise their own products on this site donna forex settings in these comments unless we have tried them first and are shown proof of adequate packaging, compliance with proper manufacturing or testing or contaminants of kursy walut online forex kind and we frequently inform our readers when we siapakah kang gun forex of specific products that do not meet these criteria for example if we find that heavy metals are present in some product.

Forex jadi kaya takes special pride in checking out the recommended protocol items and I also help with this as well.

We do our best to identify comments being posted and to eliminate what looks like spam. Much of this spam does come to us and is deleted by our program. And as I said, no products are allowed to be advertised unless first endorsed by Dr. I am sorry you are so closed to the our attempts at honest representation of the endorsed products and hope you will change your mind. While some spam postings may get through on this site, you can be assured that there are many more that have not been posted at all.

And by the way, Haloperidol is more commonly used as an anti-psychotic, though it may at times be used in seizures but it is not primarily used for seizure disorders.

You also should read our books on magnesium to learn of some of the incredible history on how magnesium can stop even seizures in people who have not responded to pharmaceutical medications. Thanks for paper trading stocks free quick reply and for the tip on magnesium, I will look into it.

If the magnesium will help, I am very grateful. I feel as though you are truthful Ms. French, that you would answer me honestly if I asked you a straightforward question, so here goes:. What is the exact extent of the relationship between Dr. Are the products produced by these companies endorsed by IMVA simply how to cheat in deer hunter 2016 iphone you nice folks have tried them and feel they are effective or has some arrangement been made which accounts for the redirecting to specific sites?

There arfe varying dose levels for most CBD products with some being much higher dosages, such as the Real Scientific Hemp Oil. But its hard to say whether that hi dosage amount would be needed by your sister. We always recommend starting off and slowly building up to higher doses how to make money if u r a kid seizure activity is noticeably slowed in frequency.

I am from India. I have a 2. She has seizures when she was 2 months old. She has been on 5 anti epileptic drugs but still she gets seizures. Developement is delayed, still she cannot walk or talk. Kindly suggest if this oil would benefit her and i can order from India. Word has it that it can be sent Internationally but I cannot speak to what your country would allow in. Please contact the company to ask if they can ship to you: Here is their website and their contact information should be there.

I believe this office is in the Denver area so time differences may cause delays. You can also leave a message here: Technically CBD is still illegal.

Pat you probably have to comply with the usual airline restrictions for bringing liquids. I have been trying to order dew drops for two days online, but so far, my attempts have been unsuccessful, as have my attempts to connect with Dixie Botanicals via phone.

I am very disappointed that the website and ordering procedure is not how to make money singing commercials efficient, and frustrates the purpose of having it because it does not have the bugs ironed out. The toll free number is only a way to leave a message. I have done so, and still have not gotten a call back. Thanks, Claudia, I will. I am also getting conflicting info as well concerning the legait of shipping it across state lines.

My daughter lives in Colorado Springs and she insists that it has been all over the news there that it cannot be shipped. It makes sense to me that shipping for food supplements should be and would be legal. I see hemp oil sold on sites for things like soap making all over the place, but that, no doubt is a different grade, and concentration. My daughter insists that even the CBD is sold only with a script from a doctor licensed in Co. I think your daughter must be misunderstanding and thinking the products from Dixie Botanicals are containing THC which they do not.

I myself have ordered from them without difficulty and with delivery within a few days time. No prescription provided from me. And I am in Florida. So from Colorado to Florida…no problem. I hope you do manage to get some and I hope it works for you pet. Dixie Botanicals ships out of state and it is legal. They were legal even before Colorado decided to legalize weed completely.

I managed to find someone who has a supply of dew drops on hand at Michigan Herbals, A very nice young man there named. Jeff is overnighting it to me, and I should have it tomorrow. One of my dogs was just diagnosed with bone cancer. I want to get some of the CBD to try to treat her rather than have her put down or her leg amputated. I assume that I need to try to get the most concentrated CBD available.

Where can I get it, and exactly how would I go about using buy pg stock direct, both topically and orally for my dog? Does anybody have any experience at all in treating their dog with CBD for any kind of cancer?

You can get concentrated hemp oil here: I notice that someone mentioned something about using magnesiumand. What will this do to help my dog in combination with the hemp oil, and what is the best way to administer it? We just found out our 4 yr old daughter has Rett syndrome and has had a EEG that shows her brain in constant siesuze activity. They have prescribed a seizure medication, but after reading the side effects, we believe this to be a scary option for her. We have done a little research on CBD and how it helps with seizures and noeurlogical syndromes.

We would like to know how we go about getting this for a child and how to do it here in Tucson AZ? If u can give us any info, we have only given the seizure medication for 2 days and would really like to start CBD asap, before her body gets used to having it. You can also keltner channels and bollinger bands hi dose hemp oil CBD from the site of RSHO: Sircus, he can get discounts on the RSHO for you.

Thanks Claudia, I have read most everything posted, regarding the product I have been a loyal customer for almost kursy walut online forex money year, and I love the product.

I will continue to use the product because it works. Dixie has had some negative feedback from an employee who resigned stating pure quality and manufacturing. Angel, lots of rumors are flying around. Please see the rebuttal posted on the Dixie Botanicals website.

Lots of rumors are flying around is right. If I am not mistaken the employee who quit was a lead chemist, is that right? It is no wonder that they are attacking this company!! Himy mother has been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, scarring in the lung.

Here can you still send me some oral CBD? We here at IMVA do not sell the CBD, but we can refer you to the place we know of that claims to be able to bring it to International locations such as yours. Please inquire at the following site for delivery into Ireland: Also, if you want a higher dose or oral hemp oil you can contact the people here: Usually, patrons would already understand that town or city they require to measure in with their family.

With my 2 colleagues we are conducting a research on the effectiveness of Cannabidiol in treating refractory epilepsy. So we need to know the price of the Cannabidiol pills and where can we order them. Sircus recommends people buy CBD Cannabidiol from Dixie Botanicals. They can ship it legally to any state in the US and Internationally.

They supply pills, drops and a cream. The costs and details can be found on their website here: These formulations start with a crude and dirty hemp paste contaminated with microbial life! I have seen this and these organisms decompose the paste. The paste perhaps even contains residual solvent and other toxins as the extraction is done in CHINA made in a process that actually renders it unfit for human consumption. What these companies are doing is criminal and dangerous.

No refinement at all!!! And what Dixie Botanicals is offering is beyond disturbing. I cannot keep quiet anymore. And since I formulated most of these products as head of Dixie Science, I feel responsible for spreading the truth. I left Dixie for ethical reasons but it is not enough to just walk away. These frauds need to be exposed for what they are. Look out for my tell all article coming soon and feel free to contact me directly with questions as it is time to blow the whistle.

The only companies I have so far found are Medivape and Hempotion1 and Dixie Botanicals, but I have no idea if there products are any good aside from Dixie which you say are bad. I assume the stuff actually made in US as Seattle is better than the anything goes China imports?

I would like to get this information as I would like to be a legal distributor here in UK, where trying to get these products is immensely difficult. Glad to rsu vs stock options calculator money has not clouded easy money maker secretbuilders morals, it is essential this fledging industry does not get a bad name through dodgy products.

Thank you for including this. People do your research before spending tons of money on a product which may be sludge, it may not but it certainly sounds sludgy to me! Are you selling your own home-made CBD or some other cannabis oil? When we see postings like yoursone has to wonder.

Please stop with the aggressive tone and name calling. This will not paid 100 indicator for binary options allowed and any posts containing the same will be prohibited from posting here.

We expect everyone to post with respect in their disagreements and not to simply attack the others or their words as you are doing. I was save with Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil. Greetings to you all. I am Mrs jenny bob, an aging widow suffering from leukemia cancer, I was confined by Doctor that I will not make it out alive. But today, I greatly say that my cancer has been cured with the use of Rick Simpson cannabisoil oil medication.

Thank God that I foung good honest person who has use these medication to save me from loosing my life to cancer and living my kids here on earth… Thanks to Rick for ever willing to carry out his medical service that saved my life thanks and God bless you. You can contact Rick Simpson: Info…hemp oil in india?

Betty, there are many reports that can be found on the Internet of people with ALS finding relief of symptoms and moderation of progression by using cannabis, with either CBD alone or in combination with THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Cannabis may be moderately effective at reducing symptoms of appetite loss, depression, pain, spasticity, and drooling.

Cannabis was reported ineffective in reducing difficulties with speech and swallowing, and sexual dysfunction. It certainly would be worth a try. Claudia, Thank you so much for your information.

I will be searching for a way to get high CBD for my cousin here in Texas. Thank you again, Betty. Sircus can get you discounts on the very high CBD if higher doses are needed. Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with cancer of the stock brokers marlin 10 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help matters at all, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless.

I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil here is the State, i contact him on: Am now here to testify that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total transformation in my life with Dr.

Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. I do see symbol MJNA for Marijuana Inc. Also i see this article is from now! Patrick the stock to buy is MJNA Medical Marijuana INC Dixie Botanicals is under them for CBD products. This is a SCAM. They are selling cosmetic grade Hemp Seed oil. You want refined Hemp Seed Oil for human consumption. Hemp CBD is effective, but nothing like Cannabis CBD. Perhaps you can contact the Dixie Botanical people and ask. Would be great if you could share what you discover here.

Thanks Claudia French IMVA. High Quality cancer cannabis oil on Sale at negotiable prices. Cancer cannabis oil on sale at excellent rate. Medicinal value,contact me for all type of cancer cure.

Yes CBD has very excellent anti-inflammatory effects and has been shown to be helpful in treating gout. What parts of the plant are extracted to obtain the CBD? There is a local dispensary that says it is from the hemp seed and stalk. For information on Dixie Botanicals I would refer you to their website….

My 88 year old father suffers from severe pain from post herpetic neuropathy as a result of shingles in his eye. Forex pip multiplier system you tell me advantages of CBD vs. Or should we use both? Can either or both be shipped from CO to TN? CBD can be shipped to any state in the US legally including Tennessee.

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THC can only be provided trading brokers in london states that have licenses for medical marijuana. THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis and is restricted in many areas and CBD has none of these psychoactive effects. You can check for more information on legalization issues in your state of Tennessee here: My Wife Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from thomasmedicalservice hotmail.

My family is now a brand new one, so stop your worries and rune factory 2 make money fast get your medication and set the family free of the deadly disease that hold no respect to family harmony. Thank God Almighty that lead me to Dr. Thomas who with his humanitarian heart help my father that had cancer of the blood with his Hemp Oil. I am so grateful that my 54 years old father is back alive and healthy and can do all this things he like without any hindrance in his life.

Thomas your medication is the only cure for cancer and tumor and from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely say you are the best and i will always give thanks to God for you to have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your medical service to humanity.

I came to this site by asking of positive drug test concerning Cannabidiol use and like all other sites there is no definitive answer from Dr. Sircus what an appropriate name-pastoral Med. I have asthma and i have depression for 20 years. I smoked marijuana for a log time. I cant be high in job and because of the depression and anxiety problems. For my problems this med would be very useful.

Fellini, you may need to be on Dr. Sircus full protocol which also include other things that will help with asthsma and depression such as magnesium and magnesiumm bicarbonate water. Glutathione nebulized may also benefit you. Magnesium is one of the most helpful substances for depression and anxiety.

It would probably be a good idea to have a consultation with Dr. Sircus to discuss what might help you most. Sanjay Gupta on CNN. A 5 year old girl named Charlotte was having seizures a week, and NOTHING that her doctors prescribed was working. They got some CBD oil from some growers in Colorado, put a small amount the size of a grain of rice under her tongue and she was seizure free for 3 days!

I am so grateful to Eric for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. Butterfly strategy in options example was diagnose with brain cancer 3 years ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped me, but only damaged my immune system and render it weak and helpless.

I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw that I could provide me with Hemp Oil here is the State, i contact him on: Am now here to testify that am no more a cancer patient, I have experience a total transformation in my health sector with Eric Oliver Hemp oil service.

If so how would I take it to be beneficial? Long term use of sodium bicarbonate may disrupt the digestive enzymes. Short term may be ok. This has been reported by some people. A better idea might be to start drinking magnesium bicarbonate water website coming soon which supplies a balance of potassium and sodium and does not disrupt the digestive system. A good probiotice such as the type Dr.

Do CBD tinctures cause appitie suppression? A few small studies have shown a decrease in appetite from using high CBD and low THC products. Let us know your results…we would be interested. Hoping you can help!

I have suffered for 23 y ears from should i buy hemp stock tailbone pain. I have tried everything and have seen every kind of doctor and unfortunately one terrible soctor actually removed my taulbone. I cant handle the pain any more. I dint mind getting high occasionally for fun but would really like a recommendation for a legal priduct to put on my glutes and tailbone area.

The muscles are always tight and painful. What shoumd I get and hiw much shod u use? I neex it during the day and do not want to be foggy or tired? If it were me the first thing I would try would be topical Ancient Minerals Magnesium oil.

It helps to increase circulation and relax muscles. I would then try the CBD cream called Dixie Botanicals Salvation Balm or their drops or tablets to see if that helps. Sircus can offer a substantial discount on this pricing if you are a member of the IMVA so you might consider joining.

Best of wishes for improved health. These seeds are having multiple benefits in medical field like it prevents cancer, reduces the effects of Diabetes, helps in prevention of heart attacks, reduces the weight, stress etc.

This price is absolutely ridiculous and highway robbery of those in pain! I guess some things never change. Hello I see from your mlis work from home you mention about pain and muscle wasting…. Just wondering is it muscular dystrophy you are suggesting to? It will be the best decision you will have ever made. My narcolepsy is so much better, I may be giving up my med.

My blood pressure is too low and will be cutting that pill down. Debby, you have pulmonary fibrosis? I want to buy the oil to treat a fam member who has pulmonary fibrosis. How much of the oil do you take daily? So is this available in Australia? You mentioned an Australian before, being one also this intrigues me greatly. It is supposed to be available internationally and since has negligible THC should not be restricted.

We know of others who have should i buy hemp stock other CBD products in AU without problem, but each country seems reasons of stock market crash of 1929 have their own rules.

Hello, I have made a high CBD oil, The CBD content is much higher then the ditch weeds THC content so there is no intoxication from the concentrated amounts which was what I was after.

You can also make your own chewing gum by adding gum rosin or an equivalent, and flavoring, to the resulting oil. These people are on the right tract. Sircus reommends you order Dixie Botanical CBD products here: Sircus you can get a very substantial discount on this two month supply from what is offered on that site.

I also use them and live in Texas. WHAT DOSAGE OF OIL DO WE GIVE THEM BOTH?? PLEASE RESPOND THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!! It sounds like the CBD oil would be helpful for both your children, as would magnesium oil and magnesium bicarbonate water. Sircus for a consultation to obtain dosing for your particular situation. There are a number of options you can utilize. Just a rough average? The answer depends on a number of things, such as what is being treated how to earn huge money without investment your own body metabolism etc In cancer treatements a higher dosage is apparently needed than in treatment of simple pain.

I have a question I live in Texas and recently my really good family friend found out she has stage 4 lung cancer and we saw the speacial on CNN and saw all the good it did for a lady who had passed her life expectancy with ALS, cancer treatments, etc…. I was asking cause I am desperate and would love more than anything for her to have a chance to use it. I already know from experience chemo doesnt help.

Please let me know where and how much I can purchase CBD willing to go as far as it takes please please help. Yes CBD is becoming more beneficial to cancer patients than ever before. You can purchase it at this site: Another product is coming out called Call waiting settings iphone 4s Scientific Hemp Oil, which will also be legal to purchase and is x the strength of the above mentioned products especially for cancer patients.

It is quite expensive but if you join the IMVA Membership Dr. Sircus will be able to offer it at quite a large discount. You can see that here: Sircus will be announcing his discount for this product and the code number to submit when ordering, very soon, so watch his newsletters.

Thank you so much for this info we tried all other techniques. I really thank you for responding to me it means so much I hate this disease but I already see how this heals and I just want an option that is healthy and works.

God Bless you and have a wonderful day I am checking it out now as we speak. No Sarah, this is not true. This is marketing spiel. Noise we call it. Just go to the grocery and purchase Hemp Seed Oil.

See your Doctor and ask them specifically about Cannabidolic Acid CBDA which Requires a prescription. I eat hemp seed, hemp seed oil and hemp protein everyday. Email me any questions info [at] hempshare [dot] org. Claudia, why do they sell 2 hemp oil capsules? This is a one or two day dosage. They are quite expensive. Hi Rose, Yes, the capsules are expensive buying only two at a time.

The best thing you can do is write to the help desk at Dixie Botanicals and ask their experience in what would be needed for your condition. You may also be able to use the less expensive dew drops topically as well as the cream they have available. These may be more effective than taking a pill. You can contact Dixie Botanicals about this issue and their contact information is available on their website. For other available options you can join their compassionate care club which will provide products at discounted pricing but not the capsules at this time.

Please see the information here:. Psoriasis has been shown in studies to be very responsive to cannabidiol products and also to topical magnesium which you might also consider using. I just purchased the balm and drops to treat my psoriasis. Do I need to ingest the drops or use them topically as you suggested? Rose, You can try it both ways and see what works for you! Use the balm multiple times per day Best of luck with this!

Everyone is different and for one the mag oil may be enough and for another the CBD oil may be effective. For another perhaps both products should be used. Often other things will also play into the break out of psoriasis and those causes may also need to be dealt with. Heavy metals have also been associated with psoriasis and may require treatment. You can try the magnesium oil for a month then you can try the CBD oil if necessary. Today is the fourth day and I see no change.

Is it safe to continue this treatment for a few more days? Do you know of anyone having results when using iodine for more than the recommended days? I have tnbc stage 3. I have fibrosis with a 2 yrs estimate, new stages of fibrosis has been cured. My thought is what do I have to lose. This is NOT medicinal CBD.

In many cases Cannabidolic ACID CBDAthe pre-cursor to CBD is where the CURE lies. So these guys are basically selling highly concentrated Hemp Seed Oil. Go to the grocery and get Hemp Seed Oil Manitoba Harvest, Nutiva are good brands. It will be much less expensive and produced for human consumption. Industrial Hemp Oil is not produce for human consumption. Anywhere they can sell this, you can buy Hemp Seed Oil at the grocery.

I would go to a state where medical weed is legal. U can take the leaves of a plant that is high in CBDs put them in a Juicer throw in veggies with them and drink it. Or get some cannabis oil and put drops in ur mouth times a day.

Canada and Europe sell a spray called Sativex that has CBDs in it. Not legal here because weed is still on the schedule 1 drug list for drugs like coke is.

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This ban was just lifted in Europe! It is indeed a pathetic situation, but we are very familiar with cases like this and in the past, we have helped others with situations such as that of your family friend and even worse.

We are in the process of decreasing his antipsychotic medication. Dixie does have their products available in drops but the instructions say they are to be taken sublingually. My son does not have the ability to do that. Do you know if swallowing the drops rather than holding them under the tongue will still be as effective? Swallowing the drops should work but will take longer to have effect.

The capsules have a higher amount of CBD than the drops do I believe so you may have to give more of it. I believe the larger bottle of drops has a higher amount of CBD so get that one. Best wishes and hope this helps him a lot.

You might also check with the representatives at Dixie Botanicals with your questions, they have more experience than I do with it. Doctor mark, or to whom I am posting, can you ship to new jesey legally and can I legally medicate myself here in new jesey.

And without being abused by an official. I know the effects of marajana and feel a CBD only medication would be a much better alternative to small doses of marajana, which thus subdues the undesired effects of THX. To the best of our knowledge CBD with no THC is legal throughout the USA and yes can be shipped to you in New Jersey legally. I live in Texas and my 15 year old son experiences severe anxiety. He has been prescribed prozac, wellbutrin, abilify, and triletpa.

All of these medications made his symptoms worse. He began cutting himself and talking about wanting to kill himself. I came home one day from work and his friend had given him some cannibus.

He was perfectly calm and happy. Would any of the legal products be beneficial for him? CBD has been shown in studies to be very beneficial for anxiety and other mental disorders.

Please see their site where it is sold legally throughout the US. I also just heard through the grapevine that they are ready to start shipping Internationally…. I used to have anxiety myself and I personally take Dixie products myself. I have been on them for months after discovering them. GREAT product you can get them online at amazon.

Hello I am looking for any information about successful outcome from someone who have used CBD for psychotic symptoms. Justin we recommend you buy it from Dixie Botanicals at http: My mother has rheumatoid arthritis and I learned recently that CBD products can be really helpful in managing pain and reducing a progression of this disease.

She lives in Russia where marijuana and its products are illegal. I live in US and can buy CBD oil, but how can it get to my mother? Does somebody knows about it?

You can purchase the CBD oil and mail it to your mother as a gift, but there are no guarantees that it will get through customs and reach her. However it might be worth a try, we have known of others this has worked for. Ada all of these can be used for cancer treatment. They are just different application forms of the CBD. Some sources feel the liquid Dew Drops are the most effective but it also depends on what type of cancer is being treated.

They contain the primary cannabinoid found in cannabis, which will be metabolized, stored in fat, released in urine and cause users to test positive for cannabis. You body has cannabinoids in the brain and many organs. Will I pass a drug test? Dixie Botanicals Hemp Oil wellness products contain naturally occurring Cannabidiol CBD from hemp. Cannabidiol is a legal, non-psychotropic constituent of the industrial hemp plant.

What she means is, you can purchase Hemp Seed Oil at the grocery store or your local market. It is perfectly legal food. Write your congressmen and ask them to remove Hemp Prohibition so farmers can grow hemp. So if you want to try itit would be on your own with trial and error dosing. We think it should be ok unless animals react differently than humans to CBD.

Anyone with info on this please let us all know! Thanks for your reply. I have read that it has been given to dogs for epilepsy and also arthritis.

So I really want to try it. And the drugs can cause liver damage. Got nothing to loose, so I am just researching where to get all the bits from and I will make the oil myself. There is enough info on youtube how to make it. If anyone has any info at all, please share it with us or if you dont like to be known, maybe you like to email me viola dare2baware.

I would like to give the oil or even the real thing to my 4 year old Dalmatian. Since Jan he is epileptic and the drugs he gets are useless. I see a homeopath with him. We recently changed his drug for another and they work even worse.

So where can I get the oil in the UK? We are trying to check into availability of this now and will let everyone know when we find out more. If you can find a friend in the US who can order for you and mail it to you, that might work.

Otherwise you can look at some of the medical marijuana sites and in Dr. Also for seizures, magnesium works wonders and this is easily available in the UK if you want to try that.

Here is a distributor of the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil in the UK: United Kingdom Good Health Naturally Inc. Les Autelets, Sark Guernsey, GY9 0SF Phone: I know of goodhealthnaturally. I have tried it all. My homeopath and I are at a loss. Shadow is VERY fit and healthy looking, but almost untreatable. Nothing really works as it should.

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So I am researching and the oil seems to be a LOVELY aternative. I feel positive and KNOW that it would work. I know I cannot get it in the UK yet. Do you know when it will be available here? Also, I rather get info of a source I know. Better than trying things myself. I alos like to know it the oil Dixie Botannical is REALLY strong enough? From what I undrstand it is not? It is just infused??? Many people are using the CBD oil Dew Drops from Dixie Botanicals with good effects.

The larger bottle has a stronger dose per drop than the smaller bottle I believe. They are supposed to be delivering to the UK shortly…though there have been delays in getting that set up from what I hear. Claudia, I wanted to order the Dew Drops to try for my scalp psoriasis. How much of the Dew Drops is recommended for psoriasis? I also want to try the balm but am unsure what would be the best protocol.

If the company cannot give you any idea of how much to use, you will need to do some trial and error on your own until you find an amount that works for you.

There are also some products available from the Cibidex line that includes shampoos and lotions that may be useful. Sircus books are all in ebook form right now except for the Transdermal Magnesium Book which has been published in hard copy and is available this way from Amazon. Soon the Sodium Bicarbonate book will be available in hardcopy also and is now with the publisher for editing. We hope eventually to have all the books available in hardcopy but have no timeframe on when this will happen.

Just deleted post on Facebook referring others to this page… if you are not going to allow readers to find CBD and buy at lowest price the article is nothing but a stock promotion. Unfortunately, Dixie Botanicals is the only company we are aware of that is legally selling CBD throughout the USA over the counter. It may be available illegally in some areas but we are not going to broadcast that and you and others must buy from them at your own risk of prosecution.

If you know of other companies who have CBD available without prescriptionand is legally selling in the USA and Internationally, please let us know. You can also read Dr. Sircus book on Medical Marijuana for other sources of medical marijuana and what others have found helpful. Yes please i need help i have a long story an this link will tell you about me an etc. If anyone can help in anyway please email at loulou yahoo. Its the page i run on facebook to try an get help.

Thank you for your time https: I am sure Dr. Sircus would be more than happy to help you. He is an advocate for medical marijuana and now for CBD from Dixied Botanicals which are a high CBD, low THC hemp extract that is now legal to get in all of the USA. The CBD in the essay is not the only thing that might help you.

You can get a consultation with Dr. Sircus after looking over his website at drsircus. There is also high cbd hemp oil called Real Scientific Hemp Oil, which is much more concentrated than the Dixie line. Also costs a bit more, and is more similar to rick simpson oil, again without all of the psychoactive THC, making it legal in all 50 states. There is also a natural cbd infused chewing gum that tastes great much better than it looks!

Actually, even prior to the appearance of the products on this site and on the CanChew website, one could have deduced this. If you look at the companies that make specialty chemicals for sale to researchers companies such as Sigma Aldrich and Cayman, to give two examplesyou can see that high-grade CBD solutions sell for very high prices. On the Cayman Europe website, for example, CBD solution containing a mere 50 mg of CBD extract sells for pounds over USD. Thanks for this interesting information!

As a small investor in MJNA its helpful to know some of these details. You should be able to order it from Dixie Botanicals or from the RHSO website for orders on high dose CBD oil. The best thing to do would be to contact the companies and ask what problems they are having if any, getting deliveries into Sweden. Otherwise you may need to have a friend from another country order it for you and send it to you as a gift….

GS…these very weak drops or what ever they are will do nothing for lung or any other cancer! With MJNA purchasing CANV stock, would those that invest in MJNA benefit from from the CBD oils? Or do we need to invest in CANV also?

Right now MJNA is only involved in non-THC CBD products…so investing in that is one way to go. Daughter 35 recent seizures led to compression of t6-t8 vert. In process of all this discovered oliogodendroglioma which led to brain surgery.

She is undergoing radiation with chemo next on doctors agenda. Back pain unbearable, still recuperating from brain surgery on anti seizure meds. She is mother of two daughters one of which battles cystic fibrosis. Looking for most cost effective and potent cbd oil she is on board now. Hopefully the changes in the older essays: Dixie X did not contain any THC……. They are were two separate branches of the company; Dixie and Dixie X. Dixie Botanicals contains only high CBD with no THC and are available throughout the US now without prescription.

They are using a low grade concentrate to produce their products. Bob, you might want to take a better look at who is producing the CBD extracts that go into the Dixie Botanical products that IMVA recommends.

It is pharmaceutical grade, and with high CBD levels. Here is a site to start about Phytosphere who is the supplier of the hemp based CBD: PhytoSPHERE Systems has recently introduced its raw Cannabidoil CBD Oil product line for formulation and distribution through licensing partner, Dixie Elixirs in Colorado. In June, Dixie successfully launched the Dixie X product line, a family of non-THC, CBD based products.

Sunday, February 24, 3: This is product is from Hemp, contains negligible amount of CBD…its also contains cinnamon, which alters the molecule. Some hybrids of cannabis plants such as Indica, yield a higher content of CBD.

Best to find an oil which contains a 1: There are no oils at present which contains a significant amount of CBD, unless, the oil is home made. The hemp plants bred for use in the Dixie X or Dixie Botanical products are specially bred for a high CBD content.

If you look at their website they will tell you about this. While it may be beneficial in some instances to have an equal amount of THC and CBD in a product it would face many more legal blocks than CBD alone is. There are plenty of studies showing that CBD alone without THC or with only very low levels of THC are curative of many things. And many people are now using the CBD products with good results for many things.

I personally found good pain relief with CBD gum soon to be offered by the Can-Chew Co. CBD only with no or negligible THC. Monday, February 11, 5: Greenwerkz in CO sells R4 cbd oil, buds, and seeds. You can check out their stats online. This is a high cbd low thc strain that has won awards. Exciting for those of us looking for an affordable way to treat pain or other conditions.

Dixie x is good product but expensive at the moment!

It doesnt mean they have barely any CBD as Dixie harvests raw CBD and augments the products with it. Folks this this is nothing special. This is hemp oil extracted which is usually used as lubricant. Buy your hemp oil at the Grocery Story, not at inflated online prices. Your troubles will go away. They have tinctures and e-cigarettes which are totally bad ass. Cannabis requires a prescription. Hemp is at the Grocery Store. That is merely vernacular due to the region where Rick is from in Nova Scotia.

Glenn, Hemp Seed Oil is available at the Grocery Store. Industrial Hemp oil is not for human consumption. It is cosmetic grade. Those are flowering buds of the medicinal herb, Kaneh Bosm.

Truly a Mind-Control Human Programming Miracle. They were just protecting us right?? Hemp Seed Oil can be purchased at the Grocery Store. My father died of cancer in and I am so burned that they knew mj had anticancer benefits in Makes me sick to think about all the people who died.

Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford leave a contemptible legacy. Our Government, like all governments by nature, has become a cancer of its own. With human population booms and greedy politicians we have no hope. How do I make a tincture from the marijuana leaves. Have had trouble sleeping for the last 30 years, tried everything natural, worked with holistic MD.

Also read about someone taking marijuana candy, given to her byDr. How could one get that. I am ready for a good night sleep. Would love to hear from you. You can find out how to make a tincture from many places on the Internet. You can also learn more about this in Dr. An alternative which we are recommending from IMVA is to order from Dixie X who are legally making available to ALL states and soon Internationally the Cannabinoid extracts of hemp……containing NO illegal THC.

Their Dew Drops would be helpful for overcoming sleep problems. I am adding it to my health regime. Per your advice I now use magnesium, baking soda and iodine. I wanted to ask you where hydrogen peroxide good grade fits into this regime?? Sircus is not very big on using hydrogen Peroxide though he feels it has its place for specific problems.

It needs to be used with caution. Are you aware that the US government, namely the Department of Health and Human Services, patented marijuana back in ? Here is a link to an article which provides information about the patent, including the patent number: I just returned from a high altitude camping trip.

The mag is good for opening vessels up to accomodate more oxygen,etc. Making the tincture is very easy as most harvesters discard leaves,going for the buds or flowering tops. We do not manage retail orders on any of our sites. You can go to Magnetic Clay Co. Check on their site for contact information and distributor info And if you are asking about the CBD, Cannabidinol products, they are not yet shipping outside of the US but report they will be in November I believe.

Hi Mark, you mentioned in your latest email newsletter that a client in Australia is now using your protocol including the Dixie X. I just tried purchasing from them online and they are not accepting international orders at this time? Really wanted to try the cream and drops but cannot. Any clarification on when they will be able to ship internationally?

Thanks and best wishes. I believe they will be distributing internationally starting in November, Thank you for this wonderful news!! This is truly revolutionary news!!!!!!!! What particular OTC stock do you recommend? The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice.

The information you will receive with our consultations is for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner.

The statements contained on my sites and in my books have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease but are proven useful for health and life extension. We always recommend when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted. Join 60, others in my newsletter and get a free ebook!

Published on October 20, CBD Cannabidiol Really Works The chemistry of cannabis is quite complex. The newest work from Dr. First Consultation Video Class Learn More. Learn how to treat yourself and your loved ones safely at home With Medical Marijuana and other powerful medicinals Learn all about Medical Marijuana and Dr Sircus full protocol including dosages, methods, side effects and contra-indications.

Learning and Practicing Intensive Health Care Simple but powerful medical interventions that are combined in a way pharmaceuticals cannot be. Sircus Today more than ever before, we need new ways to diagnose and treat our families and ourselves in a safe, effective and affordable way. Here is the key. Most Popular Posts Bicarb Magical Mineral Supplement Main Reasons Iodine Supplementation is Essential Revolution in Blood Medicine — Intranasal Laser Therapy Low Body Temperature Symptoms and Causes — And How to Treat It Baking Soda Uses in Daily Health.

Tag Cloud No tags found. Sircus's protocol items please seek a consultation or visit our knowledge base to see if your question may have been answered previously. Can you please tell me where to buy? My dog was just diagnosed with cancer and I want to treat. Will CBD oil help with chronological c kidney disease?

And, with or without THC? Will help some your problems on cannabis plant. Contact me if you want it. Is this ok for dogs as well my dog is 13 urs and has been diagnosed with lymphomia. Still love all inside the cannabis plant. Dear Ronnie, Dixie Botanicals has a compassionate care club where lower prices are offered for qualifying customers. Plus its not legal either. The DEA will smash your door and throw grenades if you order this. Could someone please help me decide whether I can buy and have this to cure my thyroid cancer?

I hope it works for you too. I am in Queenland Australia watching my Mother in in is demoralising can I buy from you. Dear Joshua, This may be very true that we need both CBD and THC and the other cannabinoids for effective treatment but unfortunately selling oils with THC in them is illegal unless you live in a state that has legalized the use of THC.

How and where to buy cannabis oil and will this be couriered to India? Dear Namrata Saraswat Singh , You can purchase CBD oil internationally from Dixie Botanicals.

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