Fastest way to earn money in hay day

Fastest way to earn money in hay day

Posted: Pavel G Date: 06.07.2017

This page contains Hay Day Hints for iPhone - iPad called "Very quick way to get lots and lots of money" and has been posted or updated on Jul 14, by Hay Day Expert. If you have a road side shop go to it and put realy good and expensive things EXCEPT the last slot.

Put an advertisement on the LAST slot when people see your advertisement in the paper they may want to see what you have. When they see your good stuff that they may need they will buy it. Sense your item that your advertising is not good you may have an advertisement in the paper for a long time people will cotinuesly buy stuff keep loading your roadside shop untill all your stuff that you dont need is gone then go harvest all your crops and get all your items from ovens and things like that try to reload your road side shop as much as you can.

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If you think you are an expert then please try to help others with their questions. Mon, 19 Jun Jun 21, ESRB: Very quick way to get lots and lots of money If you have a road side shop go to it and put realy good and expensive things EXCEPT the last slot. Hay Day Expert, Jul 14, How to get money VERY quickly. Getting lots of extra items, tape, and more. How to get free things from a treasure cheast.

How to get diamonds for free. Double the coins and stars from boat orders. How to get bolts, screws, tape and more really fast.

Hay Day Strategy and Money Making Guide

Very quick way to get lots and lots of money. How to know what items you'll need in the future.

Hay Day - How to Make Money in Hay Day

A Friendly Barn Contents Tip. The "Cheap Farm" Trick. How to have space in your barn. Easy money with wheat. Frogs gone, Fast and EASY! Resist the temptation to buy all unlocked items. Take it easy - pick your customers. Items and tape from friend farms. Say no to truck or boat orders. Unwanted visitors buying from my stand? Scrolls what are they? How much does the boat cost? Apple trees and bushes dying? The new "diplomas "with the red ribbons?

Hay day: Top 6 tips, tricks, and cheats to save cash and grow your farm fast! | iMore

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