How much money does oprah winfrey make every minute

January 16, By Brian Robben.

How much does Oprah make a minute?

Searching the internet, I came across this interesting tool called Salaries in Real-Time. The idea is to type in your salary and then compare it with other occupations, while also understanding how long it takes you to make enough to pay for a burger, gym shoes, television, new car, and house. But finding out how much Oprah makes was shocking.

The better word is probably her income. So why does she continue to dig into her work? As I say all the time on this site, too many people only focus on the end achievements, and forget all the work and failures that led to success.

how much money does oprah winfrey make every minute

Oprah Winfrey put in the hours every morning and night for years before being world-famous. But she kept going.

How much money does Oprah make annually from her show

She continued acting, bought her own studio, produced film and television, published magazines and online media. And after all this success, guess what? Oprah continues working because of her intense passion, engagement, and love with what she does.

And this is what I want to highlight as the main point: Your potential success and satisfaction is unlimited when you love your work. The action step is clearly to find work that you love. But, each day make it a habit to do one of the action steps above.

how much money does oprah winfrey make every minute

Because you never know where your interest and dedication will take you once you discover the work you love. Check out my course Master The Resume that shows you a step-by-step system to do exactly that. January 18, at 2: She certainly has done an incredible job in her career and she clearly enjoys what she does for a living. January 18, at 5: I learned a big advantage of thinking of your income per hour is knowing when to pay someone else to do something or do it yourself.

For example, if you make more per hour than it costs to pay someone to do a job you dislike, pay someone else to do it so you can work and come out on top.

If the job costs more than you make an hour or you enjoy doing it , then do it yourself. Which Is More Important? Talent Or Hard Work. What Happened When I Drank 1, Ounces Of Water In 7 Days.

Brian Robben on YouTube. Take a look at how much Oprah makes in time intervals.

Comments Untemplater says January 18, at 2: Subscribe to get my FREE strategies to land your dream job and 10x your success. First Name E-Mail Address No spam, ever. Through intense personal experiments and studying top-performers, he believes anyone can be successful, including you.

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how much money does oprah winfrey make every minute

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