Super moneymaker pump design

Super moneymaker pump design

Posted: Altaida Date: 15.07.2017
super moneymaker pump design

A pump for small scale irrigation and limited use for drinking water. The Money Maker pump is a further development of the treadle pump also intended as a foot operated pump for small scale irrigation.

super moneymaker pump design

The Pump sucks the water to the cylinder, then pressurizes it, sending it through a crude sprinkler over the crop. It is easy to repair and maintain The stepping movement of the operator is ergonomically favourable and makes it easy to pump for prolonged periods, thus well suited for irrigation.

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Typically, Money Makers Treadle placed near a river or pond and a suction hose reaches into the source. The pump installation is not fixed and the pump can be moved around.

The pump is not intended for drinking water use as it takes the unprotected water from ponds or rivers. The valve type is flapper type, made of circular rubber; Piston Assembly: Piston-mild steel with plastic seal cup Seal ; The piston assembly constitutes the piston rod made of 25mm x 6mm and 5.

Sublime design: the KickStart MoneyMaker pump

The installation of the Money Maker pump is easy and does not need any lifting equipment or special tools. This pump has an excellent potential for maintenance by the users. All repairs can be done without the use of tools.

super moneymaker pump design

The cast iron design required foundry equipment and skills. This is a non-RWSN handpump design and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.

Home News Events Library Blog About Partners Help! Other RWSN Topics Other Rural Water Supply Topics RWSN Activities, Services and Products RWSN and our family of networks. Materials used Pump cylinders: Installation and Maintenance The installation of the Money Maker pump is easy and does not need any lifting equipment or special tools.

Variable about mm Yield: Low Cost Handpumps - RWSN Akvopedia - Treadle Pumps Kickstart.

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