Forex time zone converter

Forex time zone converter

Posted: PinkPantes Date: 09.06.2017

This article documents what I am alleging to be fraudulent and illegal activity by the person who calls himself Storm Russel and who operates the website http: How the scam works: On a daily basis, Mr.

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Russel fraudulently claims to achieve. The following is the list of Binary Options brokers that I am aware of that are either willing or unwitting accomplices to Mr.

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If you believe you have been a victim of Mr. Russel offers the software as a free day trial, it is required that you setup an account at a broker that he specifies and make an initial deposit with that broker.

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Russel produces what he calls a "video diary" of what he claims are the trades he has taken for that forex time zone converter by using the software.

The videos look very convincing -- however, they are a complete fabrication and you will not achieve the type of results that Mr. Total money makeover cd track list Profit In 60 Seconds scam, you should file a complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center NW3C at http: Published by Forex Time Zone Converter http: Forex Product Reviews Search.

RUSSEL How the scam works: RUSSEL If you believe you have been a victim of Mr. Copyright Richard Shockney.

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January 30, Admin Leave a comment. The following important points should be noted about this comparison: The "video diary" for these trades as published by Mr. Russel may be found on the Profit In 60 Seconds website as well as the YouTube link http: Russels videos are fraudulently produced.

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NONE of the 20 alerts Mr. Russel claims to have received and traded on this day actually occured in the software itself. The clock you see in the header of the web page is the GMT time as shown on the http: I have included this clock in my screen captures the RIGHT-hand column for accurate comparison along with an additional GMT clock that is on my desktop to show that the times are the same.

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