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Posted: Anton495 Date: 18.06.2017

Communism and Nazism — Two historic philosophies that have more in common than many think. Inthe world was stunned by the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. Here were two competing political systems —Nazi Germany and the Communist Soviet Union — agreeing to work together. Even though Hitler nullified this pact by attacking the Soviet Union, this moment in history highlighted a common bond between these power-hungry philosophies. Communism and Nazism are quite possibly the most vilified political philosophies in the modern era.

At their historic zeniths, these totalitarian worldviews captured the attention of the world. Their radical nature inspired revolutions, built empires, and provoked wars. Ultimately, they collapsed upon themselves, and now have been relegated to the dustbin of history. All radical philosophies are reactionary; Nazism and Communism are no different.

Nazism and Communism fixate on hierarchies. The racial superiority of the Aryan race is central to Nazism. Built on a foundation of pseudo-science and biological determinism that places Jews, blacks, and other minorities in very low regard, Nazism divides human society along strict religious, ethnic, and racial lines.

Communism focuses on economic hierarchy — more specifically the stratification of classes. The political ideology was the brainchild of Hitler, whose rise to power and twisted thoughts created the infrastructure that mechanized its destructiveness. Hitler seized the collective imagination of the German people, who willingly accepted many of the more horrifying tenets of Nazism. Communism entered the picture with the October Revolution of However, the application of Communism has been reinterpreted time and time again, which has resulted in various branches — Leninism, Stalinism, and Maoism to name a few — that differed from its original philosophical foundations.

For example, Karl Marx postulated that the proletarian revolution could only take place in highly industrialized economies like that of Great Britain. Vladimir Lenin, the leading figure in the October Revolution and architect for the Soviet Empire, turned this concept on its head to usher in the Bolsheviks as the elite, vanguard party to overthrow tsarist Russia.

There is a strong disconnect between what Marx philosophized and how his followers put his words into action. A strong, centralized government is key to both Nazism and Communism. Bolstered by a military-style police state, each political movement subverts civil liberties, silences dissent, and limits the role of the individual — all in favor of law, order, tradition, and efficiency. Despite the large historical impact of these ideologies, both of them now stand on the fringes of current political discourse.

Nazism has been diminished to the lower echelons of political dialogue: Meanwhile, Communism still exists — but barely. The true strength of any philosophy must withstand the experimentation of history, and it is obvious that neither Nazism nor Communism have fully presented themselves as commendable options for the governance of civil societies.

Communism is a socio economic ideology that aims at a classless, egalitarian, and a stateless society. Nazism became so popular under Adolf Hitler.

Communist ideology can be attributed to Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels. Communism stands for a free society where all are equal and every one can participate in the decision making process. Nazism stands for socialist policies but also ensures that a wealthy class stays at the helm of power. While Communism is on the far left, Nazism is considered to be far right.

We, the USA were founded just beyond Anarchy, with a small government, and the ability of the people to govern the nation, the laws, and themselves.

My right angle line for Nazism should be a straight-line with the right angle at the end right pointing down not up. Due to limitations here I cannot show it. Lol… your article is extremely biased… are you a communist?

Let us not forget that in every single communist state the world has ever seen, the members of the communist party are considered to be more important than the rest of society and, as such, have access to a lot more benefits. Also, communism is not stateless. In communist regimes, the state is strong and has control of absolutely everything wanna know more about it?

It is completely opposed to a capitalist free-market state. The correct would be to say that capitalism is stateless. Capitalism is the most close system to anarchism… capitalist states are minimal and you have the freedom to say or do whatever you feel like doing. So, the difference between communism and nazism is that the latter has a stronger stand for the concept of race, whereas the former does not.

You cite only contemporary examples of communism. Communism is what it is, not what you want it to be. I was born in Yugoslavia and I can tell you our lives were pretty sweet up until Tito died and religious fanatics started the Balkan wars. I was fairly young, but I can tell you we ALL had good quality tax funded healthcare, at least 1 month of vacation with the option of a free trip to the seaside, or going on your own to wherever you wanted — we would go to Germany a lot.

Education was first class, our relationship with the US was great. Our industry sector was really healthy. The US imported a lot of our manufactured goods. Everyone had a job, and enough free time to cultivate hobbies, read, or just chill and embrace nature which in the Balkans is gorgeous, btw. Some people were wealthier than others, and some would go further in education than others, but that was a matter of personal choice.

You could make a living with any job. Absolutely everyone had the minimum necessary for a decent life. A beautiful communist country with shortcomings like all countriesbut most importantly with a culture of equality and cooperation, ruined by religious fanatics. Also, Marx states in the communist manifesto that the regular man is not equip for the reality of politics and called for a superior class to rule.

Another thing is the idea that natives and social programs a really socialist, they are not. They both have the elite class ruling the peons.

Who ever wrote this article is either unaware of what he is writing or they are a communist or leans that way. No matter their politics people die as an end result of both. Disgraceful level of pro-communist bias here. National socialism and communism are actually very similar, the core difference being that national socialism centres around the national worker, whereas communism centres around the international worker.

Hence Lenin saying that in order for communism to work, the entire world must be communist. Notice the lack of genocide, oppression, and racism in the former.

Contemplate how Marxist theory was implemented badly in Russia due to a brutal civil war. Figure out that Nazism and Marxism are two very different things. That is a fallacy no matter who runs the show the out come is always the same, death and destruction.

I actually get sick when I hear someone say if it is run rightthe track record of both lead to death and destruction no matter who runs it. I am pleased because there are only a few here that like one or the other. Nazism is biological racism, marxism is social racism.

Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot was better Hitler?! Communism and National Socialism agree that the government, run by the right people, should make all the decisions. They just disagree on who are the right people. Communism is an amplification of the mercantile approach, that the government can decide what economic opportunities are permitted to exist, and what economic products each person is permitted to have.

National Socialism is merely Communism, colored with Darwinism. The Government is permitted to decide who is fit and who is unfit. The idea that individuals should be free to make their own decisions, and to reap the benefits or suffer the consequences is absent from both ideologies. The masters would sit in the big house and make the decisions.

The proletariat would live in the slave quarters, and would accept direction. When slaves are not productive, then increasingly harsh methods are used, leading to torture. When slaves resist being tortured, or try to escape, then the authority will kidnap and murder. The most sad thing to my mind is what happens to the next generation, grown up on the ideat that any productive activity or even thrift leads to having the goods stolen, that courage leads to torture or murder.

Forex itu halal apa haram generation so educated turns to perversion.

Which pretty much describes all Communists. Look at what is happening in the world today, who are in the headlines? Hitler was right in TRYING to cleanse Europe. Note closely that i said he TRIED.

Who are the Socialists? Imagine a few years after WW2, the jews relentlessly attacked innocent people, Christians and Muslims. They even killed and destroyed two Palestine Christian villages, Iqrit and Kafr.

DSK would have destroyed France with his Socialism, luckily he got into that whole situation with the maid. In modern Russia most jews are liberals and anti-communists example Kasparov, Nemtsov, Novodvorskaya, Latynina. Hey Folks What happened to the US Constitution? I think the Founding Fathers knew what they were doing. If followed, it keeps us from all that crap! Do you not see the bias in your own post?

You have without a doubt read some Richard Wagner as well as some Mein Kampf. Hitler tried to do what he thought was best for Germany, not Europe. He despised anything non-German, including Western Democracy and Russian Communism. His ideas were fueled by Richard Wagner who said that the Jews were not human and that liberalism was destroying the country. These men were incredibly immoral and it is disturbing to know that a trading strategies for binary options share the same thought.

You minute you dehumanize a group a people you yourself become less human. You think all would be well had the U. Kill all the Jews — Then what? Everyone will live happily ever after? Wagner and Hitler believed in Aryan Superiority just as much as they believed in a Jewish enemy. Hitler would not have stopped after Europe, he would have gone after the world.

The antisemitism in Germany during the 19th and 20th century was pure paranoia. The Germans are not superior to anyone. There could not have been a more poorly informed, biased comparison of Nazism and Communism than this. Communism resulted in more overall deaths than Nazism. Both suppressed other ideologies, free speech and democracy. Both persecuted political opponents.

Both were extremely authoritarian even if in theory Communism is Anarchic, manifestly it was just as Authoritarian as Nazism Both restricted free enterprise. And yes both created a wealthy elite, through collectivism! Elitism in the name of anti elitism. Communist have murdered more people than the Nazis ever have. They will both put a gun wonderland online how to get money your head and require your participation.

They are straight from how much money does chad knaus make. Pre-WWII Germany is the only Nazi government, but there have been many Communist governments, so that is not a meaningful statistic.

Americans want neither Communism nor Natzism and forex peace army fxdd malta it has been doing for years in trying to produce a democracy that is unequal in order to prevent that outcome, but not so unequal as to gravitate toward inequality in the other direction. But who counted on corporate powers being the enemy Americans must fight to prevent dumping government in its hands?

I would prefer communist to Nazi any day. Had they the chance, the Nazi would have destroyed more than the Communist. Entire peoples would have been lost. That is a permanent loss to carindale westfield trading hours anzac day. Also, the majority of Communist deaths were due to failing socialist economic policy.

In terms of economics, Communists and Nazi are VERY similar, and these deaths would have happened anyways. Nazism was founded by the far right wing nationalist volkisch movement in post war Germany. The national socialist party was very right wing in the sense that they supported social hierarchy and social inequality which Happen to be the base principals of right wing politics.

The nazis originally preached anti capitalist and anti big business but later flopped on their opinions to gain support of industrialists. Communism is a leftist ideology based entirely around social equality and power to the proletariat and removal of the bourgeois.

Communism is not totalitarian or fascist at all.


Ideal communism is stateless. Nazism stands for socialist policies but is on the far right? Is it on the right of communism? Is it on the right of democratic forex itu halal apa haram No it is to the left. But what made the nazis so evil was their genocidal eugenicism, not their economics. Political ideologies are meant for the people if not, just for some… but there is always one factor that makes it not function properly — people.

Both are founded on a philosophy that sees people as expendable. In theory communism is stateless society owned and run by the worker and intellectuals rather than the financially privileged. In practice, communist societies are run from the top down by the politically connected: Marx believes in the superiority of the German people and the worthlessness of people in Eastern Europe.

The German communists were in large part incorporated into the Nazi party as they opposed the money changers, bank of america stock exchange listing Jews.

Only after Hitler had absolute power, did he condemn Marx. Author confirmed for shill. Communism is nothing more than a Jewish-created ploy to keep the classes fighting among themselves while they took the power for themselves. Well, it seems most people posting here think Communism is not such a bad governmental system. Even our Constitutional Rights are at risk. Check out some references to this at http: The Constitution is as much rubbish as the writing of Karl Marx.

It describes a system which humans could achieve if they were better people. It is impractical in a society as long as humans have imperfections forever. Like the Bible, the Constitution will disappear as an obsolete document written for a world which clearly has changed considerably.

People are just filling in the blanks to suit their own image. This article is biased communist crap. More people have died under communism than any other form of government. Nazi state not much different in functional reality.

In quotes because different in name only. These communists were truly, as you are, idealists because practically there is no difference. Depends on the angle from which one observes. There was Yugoslavia communism which one was ideal communism. Free traveling, free healthcaree,free education,secured job,stable economy, the ability to export and import.

Communism in Yugoslavia did not fail because it was not sustainable, but because of the long history of the people and the republics that made up Yugoslavia.

The fundamentalists came to power, the same ones that caused bloody wars When I say long history, by comparison Balkan nations had their own countrys while on the territory of the today United States Indians are still rode horses. It is true that Russian communism killed millions of people, but what about capitalism.

What about slavery, WW2,Vietnam war, middle East, all weapons sold to African and South American rebels.

This is the legacy of capitalism. The constitution was designed for balance of power between federal and state governments. The spirit of the constitution was that individuals have the right to pursue whatever dreams they have, so long as no harm to others. The constitution framers believed in negative social justice such as you have the right to not get murdered. They did NOT believe in positive social justice such as you have the right to things.

Two reasons for this: Drugs did not destroy the inner cities. Then no police, firemen, mail system, banks with protections, standard currency, building standards, food quality standards, predictable water or electrical supply. If you do propose government, then you propose the impossible because you have rejected both left big government that controls people and right limited government that represents people.

So your statement is absurd. Our government system has led to the most prosperous nation on earth with people enjoying more freedom than ever before. If you live in this country then please wake up.

First, there are no citations to authoritative works on the subject. Second, communism is not egalitarian in theory or practice. Critics noted these tendencies very early, e. The desires and preferences of specific members of the proletariat are irrelevant to a Marxist. The key difference here between the Marxists and the Nazis is one of scale: The wealthy did not dictate to the Nazis, quite the contrary: Fifth, the communists and national socialists shared more similarities than differences.

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Both believed that democracy and capitalism had failed, both believed that top-down control by a small cadre of self-appointed visionaries was necessary, both were anti-liberal and anti-individual rights. The main difference was, again, in scope: Sixth, the assertion that the Nazis were radical right wing is arguably only partly true.

The controversy is solved once you realize that all socialist factions hate each other, think their own is the only true form of socialist, and the rest are heretics and not truly socialists. There are differences between nazis and communists, but those are superficial.

Communists argue that Nazis were not socialist because they killed socialists and communists. Fidel Castro betrayed Che Guevara. Stalin killed Trotsky and then altered all photos to erase him from history. A nation in which the police are militarized and require ID when the citizens go anywhere even walking down the street. Mechanized drones fly the skies watching its citizens movements. Police stop and search anyone on the street or in there cars.

There are racial laws that exist that exlude one group while favoring another in hiring and admissions standards. This is Nazi Germ…err ahh. Freely elected by the people similar to how Hitler was elected. It is life in the USA today.

Modern Chinese communism is more in line with national socialism than actual communism. Its still a national identity with an awkward mix state-controlled and capitalistic economics.

Both are totalitarian systems that suppress dissenting opinion go ahead, try to be gay under communism. Communism subverts gee SJW much?

Capitalism with Government Intervention has Financial Control over Human Life! Capitalism that uses a Currency without the controlled backing of Gold or Silver Creates Elite Groups which Control The Middle and Lower classes with help from the Federal Reserve System! Our Government of The People, By The People and For The People can still be an Excellent Government, as long as we put it back into our own hands. Changing a Government can be difficult but possible as long as all of the people stick together by continuous voting and writing to their political leaders.

Government is controlled by the Rich Elite who have received their Wealth Through Greed. This is okay, but the rich want to stay in high political positions so they can use the Government to maintain their Wealth. Only the Wealthy can receive these political positions, since they are the only ones who can afford the publicity to get there. Once in a political position, they realize through greed, the political decisions they have to make. Greed is human nature and very hard to control when there is a constant access to financial success from the Federal Reserve System.

Every time the Rich Elite want something done, they do not want to use their money. Instead, they think of a problem that needs capital and then pay for it through our Government, which in turn ends up back into the hands of the Rich. The more problems they create — war, welfare, institutes, prisons, world affairs — means more money the Government has to borrow, which creates the deficit. This has to be paid through taxes, which means less pocket cash or printing excess Money from the Federal Reserve System, without Gold or Silver backing, which causes inflation.

The Rich will control the Middle and Lower Classes because we will all be in debt to these people as long as our Government keeps borrowing, taxing or printing our money. This transaction is happening naturally worldwide because debt is the best way to control your fellow man. As soon as all the Governments are in debt to the Rich, we will be controlled by a World Government, which will make it easier for Big Business transactions.

All mergers will end up with one winner like a Monopoly Game. After all this happens, the only thing left is the Antichrist. Capitalism Can Only Lead To Communism! I dont know how you can make this comment about communism and also acknowledge that North Korea and Cuba are communists.

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