How to get lots of starpoints on stardoll

How to get lots of starpoints on stardoll

Posted: keywiz Date: 08.07.2017

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Entries RSS Comments RSS. Home R u a newcomer???? So this is not mandatory, but veteran users have realized that you earn starpoints easier and rack then up quicker when you support Stardoll. Sign in daily In addition to earn 1 Stardollar daily, this will get you started. Some people can earn up to 3 Starpoints just by signing in and writing a letter and visiting pages.

how to get lots of starpoints on stardoll

If you do, you can earn over points in under 2 months. These add up to over 11 points per day.

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You can rack up points quicker if you know when points are added, especially if you frequently stardoll for hours or more daily. These people can give you really helpful tips and tricks to getting points quicker If someone can change your starpoint count and offers to change yours, beware. Get Starpoints Fast!

Only once in Stardoll history has this happened and it was due to a problem with Stardoll. Going crazy will make it more obvious and will get you deleted. Chain letters do NOT work.

how to get lots of starpoints on stardoll

Spamming one album or guestbook gives you the same credit torwards points you would get by traditionally signing one. This can cause glitches as well as raise eyebrows.

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Just wait, trust me. Typical Starpoints earned daily by average members: Users spend about a year and half on Stardoll then leave, that is if they feel an immediate attraction to the site when joining. Believe it or not, most users are not active for more than 1 week after signing up.

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Warnings Cheating will raise eyebrows and give you a bad rep. Try and fix it yourself, usually you will earn the lost points the next day in addition to extras. The top starpointer list by Callie is not always correct. Many users have been glitched, meaning they have not signed in for months and have in excess of points.

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